Dear TCA Great Lakes member,

We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a great New Year. Your board of directors along with Newsletter editor Jerry Barrett, have been working hard to bring past president Allan Szirony's idea of a GLD Newsletter to fruition. We are happy to present the first ever (so far as I know) copy of The Great Lakes Division Semaphore, a newsletter to keep members up to date of the goings on in your division. With Editor Jerry's leadership, I am certain this project will only get better. We plan to make this at least quarterly and from there, who knows? Maybe we will get to monthly as some divisions have. It is important to us that you receive the type of information that makes your membership more interesting and valuable, so any input is honestly desired. Simply email me at and we'll get it to Jerry. Your copy of the SEMAPHORE is in PDF format so if you have trouble opening it (most modern computers will) simply go to to download a free PDF reader.So with that, happy reading of the SEMAPHORE, Edition 1, Issue 1. 

Charlie Easton

GLD President